Learn how to access Premier eBill, print a remittance form, generate reports, configure alerts, and get support. Get started on Premier today: www.wireless.att.com TEXT INSTRUCTIONS: Welcome to the training for the Premier platform. This video explains some important things to know after you migrate from WIN Advantage(r) CD to Premier eBill. You'll learn how to access Premier eBill, print a remittance form, generate reports, configure alerts, and get support. Let's start by accessing Premier eBill. We'll begin on the Premier home page, already logged in as a company administrator. Although this training is for company administrators, other users may be able to perform these tasks depending upon permissions and selected account information. If you do not have access to Premier, contact your Account Representative. On the menu bar, click "BILLING." When the Premier eBill home page appears, verify the correct foundation account is selected. The foundation account's type determines the way its billing accounts and their associated wireless numbers are billed. It also determines which Premier eBill functions you can perform. The main menu options vary according to user role, permissions, and selected account type. Now we'll print a remittance form. You'll need to do this for Billing foundation accounts after you migrate to Premier eBill. On the main menu, click "View/Print Remittance Form." We go to the Account Remittance page since a Billing foundation account is selected ...
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